Sunday, February 21, 2010

I made a slideshow!

So I made my very first slideshow! Pardon it if it's not that great, but I was listening to music and had my folder of pics relating to my book open and going on a slideshow and was like, "people need to see this!" So I made it! It doesn't have the particular song I wanted, because iTunes is dumb, but it's got my second choices there. :)

So if you've got a minute or two, or ..six.. then have a sit, listen to some cool music, and look at some awesome pictures!

Last night was one of those nights where the creative inspiration gates were wide open! I was listening to some music, thinking about my books, and then just started to pick up where I had left off in Book 2.5. It started out slow, and then it was like BAM! I *knew* what I needed to write, and knew where it was going and was so excited about it! So excited, in fact, that I stayed up until 1 am.... oops! I only went to bed then because my head was heavy and I was super tired. But I could've written so much more if I'd been awake.

I love those moments! :)


Emily Judd said...

glad you are inspired! I'm excited to read book 2!

RWSeibel said...

Keep on writing, Jul!