Sunday, February 21, 2010

I made a slideshow!

So I made my very first slideshow! Pardon it if it's not that great, but I was listening to music and had my folder of pics relating to my book open and going on a slideshow and was like, "people need to see this!" So I made it! It doesn't have the particular song I wanted, because iTunes is dumb, but it's got my second choices there. :)

So if you've got a minute or two, or ..six.. then have a sit, listen to some cool music, and look at some awesome pictures!

Last night was one of those nights where the creative inspiration gates were wide open! I was listening to some music, thinking about my books, and then just started to pick up where I had left off in Book 2.5. It started out slow, and then it was like BAM! I *knew* what I needed to write, and knew where it was going and was so excited about it! So excited, in fact, that I stayed up until 1 am.... oops! I only went to bed then because my head was heavy and I was super tired. But I could've written so much more if I'd been awake.

I love those moments! :)

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Character Lookalikes (to some extent)

Who is Jenna?

I had a very good friend just recently read Book 1, and as she loves to draw, asked me who Jenna looks like since I have pictures of people I think look like some of my other characters. Well, honestly, I haven't found a perfect match. Sometimes I see people randomly, at the grocery store, at my job, or when I'm walkin' around, and I'm like, "Oh WOW, that is Jenna!!!" But unfortunately I never get pictures of any of them because 1. that would be creepy and 2. They are long gone by the time I think about it.

So! I've built up my collection of "Book Pictures", and there are a few who have some of Jenna's traits, but no one person adds up to who she really is yet. Here are the candidates thus far though:

Emma Roberts:

I saw this picture of her and was like, 'whoa! that might be Jenna!' But then I realized that Emma played Nancy Drew in the new Nancy Drew movie, and that kinda turned me off to her. But she's kinda got the look, although I'm not sure she's tall enough, or has a hard enough look to her. Maybe when she's older?

Next: Kara Housten
I don't know how I found her, but I saw this picture of her and liked it for Jenna. Other pictures I didn't like so much, but this one sort of works. But Kara has perhaps *too* hard of facial features...

Next: I don't remember who this is, but she was on Gossip Girl for a few episodes and I thought she might be able to pull Jenna off. But no, she looks too soft. Jenna does not have little girl dimples! :)

Last: my favorite picture to date! And it's one of the first I found. :)
Natalie Portman:
Now, Natalie looks very much like the softer, feminine side of Jenna in this photo. I love it! But in other pictures and watching her in movies, I don't think she would really fit. Natalie's smile is too big, haha :)

Alright, now for the good stuff!!!!

Who is Ben?

My first choice will always be:
Zac Efron!!! Look at those EYES!

But if he doesn't want it, then Chase Crawford can handle it ^_^

From the very beginning, when I was first writing, Ben was fashioned after Zac Efron.  But I think both actors DEFINITEly got have the look!!

There you have it!

I have yet to find a Michael. Really, no one is him. Maybe when what'shisface who plays Percy Jackson in that movie grows up, maybe he could handle the role of Michael, but I don't know. He's still young so I can't really tell. Actually, it was funny, I just saw that movie tonight and thought, at the very end, "Those two would make a cool Jenna and Michael!" haha, but then I thought, "nawww, the girl is too...tooo..." , well now I don't remember, but she wasn't exactly right, although she did have REALLY blue eyes! :)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Maureen Johnson on How to Get An Agent

Maureen Johnson, author of manymany YA novels, posted a video through vlogbrothers today on how to get an agent. :) And although I think I knew this already, it's always good to hear it again.

She also posted a blog about "how to get an agent", and it's sarcastic in that everything she tells you do, actually you are NOT supposed to do! (she says this at the end, so while you read the post you're like, "huh? i AM supposed to that?" and then you find out, "NO! DON"T DO ANY OF THIS!!!") haha

Monday, February 1, 2010

Just some stuff

Sometimes I freak out about how I have to be an expert on fencing, horses, horseback riding, warfare and all types of crazy crap! (not really crap, but i just had to throw in that Strong Bad reference. ^^) Luckily, I have 'internets' and a boyfriend who helps me out sometimes.

I'm always on the lookout for pictures that remind me of my book, and lately I've found some good ones! Some of them were like BAM, that is IT!
Like this one. I really like it, although I probably couldn't tell you exactly why.

I also found this pic online that I thought was cool for an animated pic. :)

I did a search for castle ruins and found this one. So cool!

All of Jenna's traipses through the woods make this picture just about perfect for the book!

Yes, the girl here has red hair, but I LOVE the tone and feel of it!

A beautiful vista in Scotland~

Just a girl, in a forest, wearing clothes that don't fit with the forest. :) Love it!

I really like this road! I can just see Jenna and Michael and co. walking down it!

So that's all for now. I'll try to start writing more. Because as you write, then you have more inspiration for MORE and then even MORE! :D